Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is the science of applying the various techniques of yoga in a variety of illnesses and conditions, to facilitate optimal health, healing and awakening.

Yoga can prove to be beneficial in the following cases and many others

High Blood Pressure - Hypertension
Arthritis - Rheumatism
Digestive Disorders
Back Pain


1. The most important benefit of Yoga is physical and mental therapy.

2. The aging process, which is largely an artificial condition, caused mainly by autointoxication or self-poisoning, can be slowed down by practicing Yoga.

3. By keeping the body clean, flexible and well lubricated, we can significantly reduce the catabolic process of cell deterioration.

4. To get the maximum benefits of Yoga one has to combine the practices of yogasanas, pranayama and meditation.

5. Regular practice of asanas, pranayama and meditation can help such diverse ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins and heart conditions.

6. Laboratory tests have proved the Yogi`s increased abilities of consciously controlling autonomic or involuntary functions, such as temperature, heartbeat and blood pressure. Research into the effects of yogic practices on HIV is currently underway with promising results.

7. According to medical scientists, Yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body.

8. Yoga acts both as a curative and preventive therapy.

9. The very essence of Yoga lies in attaining mental peace, improved concentration powers, a relaxed state of living and harmony in relationships.

10. Through the practice of Yoga, we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental and physical levels. Gradually this awareness leads to an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence.

11. The ultimate goal of Yoga is to make it possible for you to be able to fuse together the gross material (annamaya), physical (pranamaya), mental (manomaya), intellectual (vijnanamaya) and spiritual (anandamaya) levels within your being.


Yoga comprises a wide range of mind/body practices, ranging from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation.

Yoga therapy tailors these to the health needs of individuals.

It promotes all round total health, as well as helping particular medical conditions.

Yoga offers an excellent training program for the purpose of maintaining one’s health.

Regular practice of Yoga, for minimum 30 to 45 minutes daily, helps not only in developing a physical fitness but also, in preventing the occurrence of many such ailments which invariably result from hectic pace of modern life style.

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