
We are an organisation dedicated to the ideals of spiritual yoga as taught by Swami Satyananda Saraswati - The founder of Bihar School of Yoga, which incorporates practices derived from authentic ancient and traditional sources. 

We believe in “Spreading Yoga from door to door and from shore to shore”

The purpose is to serve the practices of Yoga among all the people, to take the rudiments of Yoga to every person, every society, in all areas of life, schools, colleges, rehabilitation & correctional institutes, sports, army, management, corporate and financial sectors.

How does our Yoga work?

Our Yoga incorporates the whole person, not just the physical body – it promotes the balance between body, mind, emotions and spirit.

There is an emphasis on awareness and aspirants are encouraged to learn about all aspects of their personality through Yoga.

Through awakening individuals’ awareness and inherent self-healing powers, physical diseases and mental stress are managed and relieved.

By steadying the emotions and calming the mind, a sense of perspective can be gained, bringing a feeling of peace, freedom and inner strength.

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